Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155961-155980 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700crumblCommand line tool for reading and writing encoded or encrypted Rails cookies
38,9700erbrAllows easy ERB layout rendering with embbed variables
38,9700kaupertkaupert fare calculator for Kaupert
38,9700whysoslowA little runner/printer to benchmark Ruby code blocks
38,9700enchiladause case driven development should be easy!
38,9700tic_tac_toe_pernixA simple tictactoe game
38,9700carrierwave-optimize-imageA Simple gem that use ffmpeg library to compress images in carrierwave gem.
38,9700cfgstoreLoads from yaml, determines defaults and serves settings for the small program.
38,9700fizzbuzz_superA simple FizzBuzz gem for Developers
38,9700shakenTranslate your String to read like Sean Connery
38,9700google-apis-cloudscheduler_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Scheduler API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby...
38,9700spring_standaloneForked from 'spring' gem, it preloads your application so commands run faster
38,9700anotherTopSeventyA simple but hopefully effective educational gem
38,9700outwood_labelsSticker generator
38,9700parcheminParchemin allows you to create and manage a blog whose contents are not stored in a dat...
38,9700koi-vmA prototype Virtual Machine written in Ruby. Why would anyone write such a thing? Becau...
38,9700psyho_juicerResolve dependencies, merge and minify CSS and JavaScript files with Juicer - the comma...
38,9700infrataster-plugin-oracledbOracle Database plugin for Infrataster
38,9700mr_pooleA butler for Jekyll, provides interface for creating posts/drafts
38,9700gddGoogle Driven Development