Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155921-155940 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342bplBPL is a gem to help you track your blood pressure and view your records over time
146,8342blsk_service_coreCode Skeleton for Blsk Service Core
146,8342vietslugConvert Vietnamese string to slug
146,8342ast_builderAstBuilder is an AST tool that makes it easier to build (and eventually manipulate) nodes
146,8342charcoalcorecustom compass mixins & getskeleton/responsify responsive grid || GetSkeleton 960 http:...
146,8342contact-listFind contacts from multiple providers
146,8342browser_guiUse with Sinatra to create command-line scripts that open the browser as a GUI.
146,8342capistrano-basecampCapistrano plugin that posts change logs to Basecamp after deploy.
146,8342bloveless_grackleGrackle is a lightweight library for the Twitter REST and Search API. Brennon Loveless ...
146,8342worlddb-flagsworlddb-flags - country flags (24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64) bundled for reuse w/ asset p...
146,8342wordify_djungst2Creating a gem to demo creating a gem
146,8342devtools-jdiffLooks for JIRA stories within the commits in a git repositoryand compares branches to f...
146,8342calc_wsalasgAn calculator implementation on ruby
146,8342cocinaTest Kitchen with Dependencies
146,8342crash_monkeyThis is a Monkey Test Tool using UIAutomation.
146,8342vue-compilervue-template-compiler functionality in a gem - compile and parse your vue.js templates
146,8342whats_the_next_rer_a_in_joinvilleKnow when is the next RER A to Paris from Joinville-Le-Pont in order to leave work at t...
146,8342without_instanciationOn large results of ActiveRecord queries, instanciation + GC of objects has a real cost...
146,8342has_roleUseful role methods for Rails User model
146,8342wordstreamThe Free Keyword Tool by WordStream provides extensive, relevant keyword and related ke...