Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156881-156900 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910octomailAPI client for Email Octopus
121,9910knowledge-railsRails utilities to use knowledge
121,9910momoapi-rubyMTN MoMo API Client for Ruby
121,9910lotus_notes_calendarGiven a Lutus Notes calendar url, parse events into ruby class. Includes basic query op...
121,9910ideaoforder-www-deliciousWWW::Delicious is a del.icio.us API client implemented in Ruby. It provides access to a...
121,9910new_gem_againA simple hello world gem
121,9910mailhubSend mail through multiple vendors
121,9910isis-plugin-catfactsIsis plugin: Cat Facts
121,9910lita-doubler-lcppA skill that doubles what you have
121,9910localtunnel-restarterCommand line tool which keeps localtunnel working
121,9910jekyll-lunr-js-search-multilingualPlugin "jekyll-lunr-js-search-multilingual" is "jekyll-lunr-js-search" plugin but with ...
121,9910recruitGenerates a resume, given a github username
121,9910impressiongramFork of original charlotte-ruby impressionist gem, with added histogram functionality
121,9910nx-real-ipGet real ip address.
121,9910prdnsA DNS forward server offers correct results for both GFW polluted domains and CDN-enabl...
121,9910mongoid_activitySimpler than a full state machine :)
121,9910omnigridOmnigrid is a rails engine that acts as a facade to some popular grid system (Bluprint,...
121,9910git.ioCommand-line client for GitHub's URL shortener, git.io.
121,9910my_string_extend_testingThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
121,9910prarupaPlugin that adds the textilized, textilize_without_paragraph and markdown helpers to Ra...