Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156921-156940 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171cssmin-ebtdRuby library for minifying CSS. Forked from cssmin by ebaytoday's team.
147,2171rails800Description of Rails800.
147,2171b_rabbitA simple hello world gem
147,2171yt-content-idWrite a longer description. Optional.
147,2171yochiyochirb_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
147,2171pickaxeI got tired of doing this by hand
147,2171bunqClient for the bunq API
147,2171reference_validatorA gem to validate product references, such as EAN.
147,2171rereBundles solr in a gem
147,2171data_translationProvides a means to write data translation maps in Ruby and transform data from a sourc...
147,2171rails-develotestGet rid of the Rails development environment
147,2171railyDescription of Raily.
147,2171changefuCommand-line utility that help you to keep a good changelog
147,2171pay2goPay2go Wrapper
147,2171simple_locizeA lightweight library for handling translations via the Locize API
147,2171traffic_copTrafficCop is a collection of test macros to test HTTP redirect rules for remote servers.
147,2171simple_sentimentAn NLP sentiment detection library
147,2171toomuchsupportEnough support for anyone
147,2171sanger-rack_authentication_ssoRack middleware to abstract Sanger SSO
147,2171redis-email_signup_verificationEmail SignUp Verification By Redis