Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156941-156960 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840validates-format-of-uriAn ActiveModel validator utilizing the built in URI parse methods to provide a rich sem...
143,3840vagrant-yamlA Vagrant plugin that provides a Vagrantfile that looks in YAML files for project and V...
143,3840omniauth-thingiverseomniauth adapter for thingiverse
143,3840thelinuxlich-pdfkitUses wkhtmltopdf to create PDFs using HTML(Windows-compatible)
143,3840worqueManage your daily working list in Ruby
143,3840yandex-direct-apiGem for interaction with Yandex Direct API version 5
143,3840mrkvgiven an array of source lines, builds a markov chain and generates random sentences.
143,3840lowfiveRspec Devise login and logout helpers.
143,3840megli_common_helperMegli common helper has some basic helpers to be used in a ruby project
143,3840mir_processingMIR means 'Manipulations d'Images en Ruby
143,3840morse_opt_in_ableModule to allow marketing opt-ins to any model
143,3840uptime_reports_spreadsheetGet a report and write it in a google sheet.
143,3840vagrant-awsinfovagrant aws info querying plugin
143,3840log-symbolsLog symbols for your ruby cli apps
143,3840wigle_apiProvides an easy way to scrape WiGLE.net for small amounts of data.
143,3840yaml_seederSeeds your ActiveRecord models from YAML files, when the YAML files are formatted like ...
143,3840logstash-input-cloudflareLogsWrite cloudflare lgos to logstash. This requires an Enterprise account with cloudflare
143,3840content_driven_sinatraSinatra integration for the Content Driven gem
143,3840testatcThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.