Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158161-158180 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170angeloA Sinatra-like DSL for Reel that supports websockets and SSE
141,6170acts_as_suggestA simple word suggestion
141,6170eventhub-processor2Next generation gem to build ruby based eventhub processor
141,6170bazuroBazuro-PDF2DOCX allows convert from PDF to DOCX, through MS-WORD 2013 or later, using a...
141,6170awairPublish Awair sensor data to mqtt
141,6170command_busExecute a command and the command bus will look up the proper handler class automatical...
141,6170artextExtract article and other metadata from websites.
141,6170dmattes-railroad_xingA DOT diagram generator for Ruby web applications (Rails, Merb)
141,6170dvashPart honeypot, part defense system. Opens up ports and simulates services in order to ...
141,6170app_archetypeCode project template renderer
141,6170arroganceEasily manage RSS and Atom feeds of all kinds.
141,6170brainfuck_rubybrainfuck interpreter written in ruby
141,6170asciidoctor-html5rubyThis package provides a macro of the ruby element of html5 for asciidoctor.
141,6170acts_as_random_idRandom ID generator
141,6170commit_hashAdd `/_commit` route where it shows the result of `ENV['RELEASE_COMMIT']`
141,6170bobbyno-shuboxTest-driven learning is a way to master a programming language by writing unit tests ar...
141,6170crawlspaceRuby Crawlspace client
141,6170active_adapterSimple implementation of the adapter pattern
141,6170capistrano-aptAptitude utilities for Capistrano
141,6170compass-csscssEasily integrate csscss into your projects that use the Compass CSS Framework