Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158201-158220 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910angular-html2jsAngular HTML2JS allows you to use ng templates as first class citizens in the Rails/Spr...
151,8910cpjolicoeur-bb-rubybb-ruby is a Ruby library to convert BBCode markup to HTML
151,8910csmosx-resource_controllerRails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.
151,8910ctcherry-route_appendA rails gem/plugin that allows you to append routes dynamically to your pre-existing ro...
151,8910chef-handler-riemannProvides insight into Chef status from within Riemann
151,8910cartage-bundlercartage-bundler is a plug-in for {cartage}[https://github.com/KineticCafe/cartage] that...
151,8910adjective-rpg-engineA gem to help streamline RPG development
151,8910copy_protectionCopy protection, also known as content protection, copy prevention and copy restriction...
151,8910export_to_cloudAdds a class method to all ActiveRecord models in Rails that exports all rows in a sing...
151,8910faye-clientQuickly and easily connect your app to a Faye server
151,8910chef-handler-sensu-eventTriggers a Sensu event if Chef fails to complete
151,8910blobsterixBlobsterix is a transcoding, caching, storage server that can transform your blobs (ima...
151,8910cal_exporterExport calendar data
151,8910curt-comparable_extComparable Extensions is a Ruby library that extends the core libraries to make the Com...
151,8910cwninja-active_record_lintA library to support the automatic checking for the doing of stupid things with ActiveR...
151,8910d4cDSL for add rails console option.
151,8910capital-bikeshareGet data about station status etc
151,8910cocoapods-static_frameworkA short description of cocoapods-static_framework.
151,8910consistent-cluster用于整合服务集群接口,方便客户端调用; 调用方式包含一致性哈希逻辑,轮询逻辑; 支持绑定zookeeper,同步集群配置