Daily Downloads Ranking

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180621-180640 of all 183,600 gems.
112,1970rawjsonrpcA basic libary for json rpc that allow you to easly create one for your streamtype. It ...
112,1970rbpad'rbpad' is a programming editor for Ruby using Ruby/GTK3 and Ruby/GtkSourceView3
112,1970realityReality provides access to knowledge about real world (like geography, history, peo...
112,1970rblinesRblines produces a Markdown text showing the differences between two strings/text. Clon...
112,1970random-passwordRandomPassword.generate(strength = 8) method provides you with a tottally random 8 lett...
112,1970ratnikov-active_record_base_without_tableAllows to use ActiveRecord::Base functionality without database table
112,1970recordkeeperBuilt to mimic Python's counter method. This gem monkey patches a method to the Array ...
112,1970react-autocomplete-railsRails wrapper for React Autocomplete JavaScript library (https://github.com/reactjs/rea...
112,1970rake_multi_dbSimple interactive rake task to automatically drop/migrate/drop & migrate test and ...
112,1970rds_backup_serviceProvides a REST API for backing up live RDS instances to S3 as a compressed SQL file.
112,1970singuAn opinionated Sinatra and Angular.js structure
112,1970rcloadenvrcloadenv is a tool for loading configuration from the Google Runtime Config API into e...
112,1970rbsimYou can model your distributed infrastructora and application and simulate its behavior...
112,1970rcgtkThe Ruby Code Generation Toolkit provides classes for generating LLVM IR and native obj...
112,1970rails_debugging_toolbarThis tool helps you dig deeper through the Rails rendering stack using just your browser.
112,1970record_linkageA library to do record linkage Comparing objects to determine which are the same
112,1970random_methodsAdds simple methods toFixnum, Float, Array and String classes, will document later.
112,1970okumanenJapanese currency string convert method
112,1970ruby-slippersA ruby and rack based blog engine for heroku
112,1970pilferpilfer uses rblineprof to measure how long each line of code takes to execute and the n...