Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180621-180640 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230matchdLet's you use Async::DNS as a server daemon and configure it using yaml files. No writi...
51,3230capture_stdoutAdds Kernel.capture_stdout(&block). Useful e.g. for testing command line tools
51,3230GoldNumberSmall utility to check for premium phone numbers
51,3230channelSimple native Channel object for Ruby MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2)
51,3230progressive_ioA wrapper for IO objects that allows a callback to be set which is called when an objec...
51,3230virgolaVirgola is a CSV to object mapper.
51,3230runa-chefRberger Version A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configu...
51,3230config_leafConfigLeaf allows an object to be configured using a terse syntax like Object#instance_...
51,3230method_tagsYou can tag methods to group them
51,3230dm-actionstampsA DataMapper plugin that works similar to the dm-timestamps in that it 'automagically' ...
51,3230git-changesIt taks the output from git-log, parses it, and output with the standard format of chan...
51,3230rastaRasta is a keyword-driven test framework using spreadsheets to drive test automation. I...
51,3230refinerycms-multiformProvides user generated HTML forms
51,3230cinebaseI maintain several gems for cinema times in the UK, this gem is the interface descriptor.
51,3230lita-pwmLita interface to pwm
51,3230createSinatra directory structure and code generator.
51,3230hyperloglog-redisAn implementation of the HyperLogLog set cardinality estimation algorithm in Ruby using...
51,3230cellphone-address-checkerCheck whether input email address is cellphone carrier's address or not. This version s...
51,3230on-test-specRails plugin to make testing Rails on test/spec easier.
51,3230awesome_nested_set_jrmuradAn awesome nested set implementation for Active Record with modifications by bartocc, c...