Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158421-158440 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300SysVIPCRuby extension that binds System V Inter-Process Communication: message queues, sem...
85,4300nyoiboWebsocket uploader with progressbar.
85,4300rails_admin_user_abilitiesCanCanCan fields for rails_admin
85,4300flowcommerce-activemerchantFlow.io is PCI compliant gateway which supports authorizations, captures, refunds and t...
85,4300iptablezA friendly Ruby API to iptables.
85,4300ruby-libstorjRuby bindings to the libstorj C Storj API library
85,4300dude-cliThis program helps to combine such services as Jira, Toggl and git and replace most rou...
85,4300fflagsFeature flags that can be override on the fly.
85,4300sorted_routesDisplays rails routes in a sortable and searchable table in your browser.
85,4300spain_phoneValidates Spanish landlines and mobile numbers. There are also methods to get province ...
85,4300neo-jekyll-themeJekyll theme using Bulma by Guthrie Schoolar.
85,4300etblogA really tiny static blog generator written in Ruby.
85,4300middlecoinmiddlecoin is a parser/status checker for middlecoin.com
85,4300ezii-osWeb-based, operating on the cloud platform
85,4300require_profSimple require profiler
85,4300salesforce_connector_lightUse a previously acquired token to easily access the REST API with httparty
85,4300hariton-thinking-sphinxA concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...
85,4300frontkitA static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, ...
85,4300fluent-plugin-burrowExtract a single key (in formats Fluent can natively understand) from an event and re-e...
85,4300gemmmmmmmmmmWrite a longer description or delete this line.