Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158341-158360 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840mloggersimple logging utility with multiIO
143,3840time_extendedA simple gem for extension the Ruby class `DateTime`
143,3840olacabsOlacabs API Integration
143,3840ocrsdkAbbyy's OCR (ocrsdk.com) API wrapper in Ruby.
143,3840omniauth-pamAn OmniAuth strategy to allow you to authenticate against Pluggable Authentication Modu...
143,3840omnivorous_etagETags are good, however normally they are generated based on strings. However, very oft...
143,3840majordomoMajordomo for Ruby
143,3840vnsA gem to execute Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm in optimization problems
143,3840vop-pluginsThe standard plugins are always loaded in a normal vop installation, the extended ones ...
143,3840vagrant-cos-guestSupport cOS guest images based of opensuse
143,3840yext-apiA straightforward simple interface with the Yext API v2.
143,3840zurb-ink-railsZURB Ink for Rails asset pipeline
143,3840wordsearch-puzzleGenerates word-search puzzles and emits them to PDF. Customizable.
143,3840minicap-rubyRuby interface for fetching Android real-time screen capture data via minicap.
143,3840log-blockAutomatic indenting of ruby log messages
143,3840widget_builderA widget builder tool
143,3840myrandoInteract with the Rando API
143,3840tyler_koalaKoala is a lightweight, flexible Ruby SDK for Facebook. It allows read/write access to...
143,3840mumuki-sqlite-runnerSQLite Runner for Mumuki
143,3840log_requireSmall utility to help track down that stray library