Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160101-160120 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051jruby-boilerpipeJava8 compiled - latest boilerpipe-2.0-SNAPSHOT - including all dependencies
103,2051rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-debian9-release-party-201706182017年6月18日に開催されたDebian 9 "Stretch" リリースパーティーの発表資料です。
103,2051lita-pivotal-trackerLita handler for adding stories to Pivotal Tracker.
103,2051verification_extVerify preconditions for Rails actions
103,2051gcalgenGoogle Calendar event generator
103,2051csvobjCSVobj provides a legible and maintainable mechanism to manipulate CSV files by creatin...
103,2051rate_limit_controlControl the rate limit of your actions
103,2051git-chlogA git custom command `git chlog` to print changelog with a list of merged pull-requests...
103,2051whatsapp-ruby-sdkWelcome to the WhatsApp API from Meta. Individual developers and existing Business Ser...
103,2051yes_bank_serviceTo connect to YesBankService
103,2051my_string_extend_valiantThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
103,2051pragmatic_serializerJSON API Serializer to produce RESTful serializer using plain Ruby Ojects that follows ...
103,2051open4sshWrapper around net-ssh for plain execution of remote shell commands and painless collec...
103,2051morseficatorTakes a message you are willing to send and encrypts it using...
103,2051search_piMaking fun with PI. For no reason.
103,2051prerendercloudRack middleware to server-side render your JavaScript apps by prerender.cloud
103,2051mayu-liveMayu Live is a live updating server side VirtualDOM framework for Ruby, inspired by mod...
103,2051glrbglrb is a simple OpenGL wrapper for Ruby