Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160181-160200 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700relixRelix is a layer that can be added on to any model to make all the normal types of quer...
38,9700nacho_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
38,9700simple_server_monitoringSimple server monitoring
38,9700findafaceThis gem attempts to discern whether an image contains any faces. Depends on OpenCV.
38,9700pschedPrecise scheduling of recurring tasks using semaphores (not supported on Windows!)
38,9700sandmanSandman is a gem aimed at helping you manage your SSH keys between GitHub and Bitbucket
38,9700google_formsPosting to Google Forms from your ruby scripts
38,9700nnmaxutility to display n largest numbers
38,9700furirubiTranslate kanji to furigana and with the ruby HTML format.
38,9700icehouse-swedishgridConvert coordinates between geodetic WGS84 and Swedish grid RT90 and SWEREF99 systems.
38,9700ichverstehe-somaSend Ruby to IRB from _teh outside_!
38,9700snappler_contable_multicurrencyAgrega modelo contable a una aplicacion
38,9700sorry-railsDisplay status updates from your Sorryâ„¢ status page to your users, and affectively cust...
38,9700iconara-java_toolsAnt is a nice tool for writing Java build scripts, but Rake is nicer. The only thing mi...
38,9700vagrant-virtual-hostsupdaterEnables Vagrant to update hosts file on the host machine
38,9700igrigorik-bloomfilterCounting Bloom Filter in Ruby
38,9700answers-coreThe core of Answers Platform. This handles the common functionality and is required by ...
38,9700cglmRuby bindings for CGLM (https://github.com/recp/cglm), a high performance math library ...
38,9700hostlistGenerates list of hosts based on tags.
38,9700jobgridNot functional at the moment.