Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160161-160180 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470g_sheetsDatabase like API for Google Spreadsheets
75,3470zabbix_graphOpen Zabbix adhoc graph
75,3470payoneer-rubyPayoneer provides businesses with international money transfer services and global paym...
75,3470jekyll-theme-clear-streama clear stream of jekyll themes
75,3470ucb_rails_cliSpin up a new UCB Rails app with many features needed for UCB apps already built in
75,3470rover_proverFirst-Order Logic Theorem Prover
75,3470tscheckIf you are making a Ruby API that is consumed by a TypeScript client, and you would lik...
75,3470mt-libcouchbaseA wrapper around mt-libcouchbase for Ruby
75,3470mt_line_eraserErase the empty lines in a specified file
75,3470synonym-finderSynonym finder is a biodiversity tool for finding homotypic nomenclatural synonyms in t...
75,3470redis-slave-readProvides load balancing of reads in a cluster of Redis replicas
75,3470quoteyQuotey - A gem for generating random quotes
75,3470spree_fosdick_integrationIntegration Spree Commerce with Fosdick API (full service fulfillment services)
75,3470fontina-windowsInstalls font files in Windows.
75,3470rake_embeddedREM is a Yocto like buildsystem primarily intended for microcontrollers. It is based on...
75,3470google-cloud-telco_automationAPIs to automate management of cloud infrastructure for network functions.
75,3470getformidableReal-time form analytics
75,3470tenderA simple API wrapper to talk to tender. We use this all over ZipZoomAut's app
75,3470rack-request-profilerProvides a framework for sending wall time statistics to external services, such as sta...
75,3470testgemmA simple hello world gem