Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160501-160520 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700totemTotem is a Ruby gem for creating Ruby projects.
38,9700loose_leafA Rails gem for real-time collaboration using ActionCable
38,9700filterable_attributesFilterable attributes for ActiveModelSerializers.
38,9700buildpack-packagerTool that packages your Cloud Foundry buildpacks based on a manifest
38,9700reach-rubyThe official library for communicating with the Reach REST API
38,9700validatiousA collection of delicious Rails validators
38,9700scad-btwThis gem provides a command line tool to create \*.scad and \*.stl files of Brick Train...
38,9700needyMy brain is too dumb to get it right alone.
38,9700sevgiToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
38,9700solr_mapperObject Document Mapper for the Apache Foundation's Solr search platform
38,9700sass-import_onceThe Sass ImportOnce Importer MODIFIES the default behavior of Sass @import directive. ...
38,9700rs-webpack-railsSimple webpack and rails intergration.
38,9700muraenaThe dangerous fish
38,9700fluent-plugin-keyvalue-parserFluentd parser plugin for key-value formatted logs.
38,9700gem_exampleGem Description
38,9700congress_apiSimple API wrapper for https://propublica.github.io/congress-api-docs/#congress-api-doc...
38,9700rails-importerRails Importer (CSV, XLS, XML)
38,9700bkrr_view_tool"This gem adds a copyright to your page. The year updates itself. All you need to do is...
38,9700flash_extensionsClass extensions of commonly used object helpers.
38,9700airbrushDistributed image processing server.