Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160561-160580 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700awesomeprintYou probably meant `gem install awesome_print`.
38,9700coffeerailsYou probably meant `gem install coffee-rails`.
38,9700jnunemaker-columbusAutodiscovers feeds from urls
38,9700joekhoobyar-capistrano-extensionsVarious capistrano extensions
38,9700viewmdCommand line tool for viewing Markdown files (with GitHub Markdown extensions) in a bro...
38,9700jt-rails-metaJTRailsMeta help you to manage HTML meta tags like title, description, keywords used in...
38,9700vagrant-zfsVagrant-ZFS is a plugin for Vagrant to automate cloning and sharing ZFS filesystems...
38,9700mthA simple hello world gem
38,9700my_string_extend_rl_hgThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns size o...
38,9700rabbit-theme-ruremaFor rurema
38,9700zikaronDead-simple caching with Redis.
38,9700gnu_mpcgnu_mpc - providing Ruby bindings to the MPC library.
38,9700BlinkyTapeControl a strip of RGB LEDs from http://blinkinlabs.com/blinkytape/
38,9700chef-sandwichSandwich lets you apply Chef recipes to your system without having to worry about cookb...
38,9700iocxMinimal dependency injection container for Ruby
38,9700locales_toysToys template for locales.
38,9700httpdiskhttpdisk works with faraday to aggressively cache responses on disk.
38,9700anki-importerExtracts models, facts and cards from Anki deck databases.
38,9700L2Message utilities for the Ruby console.
38,9700book_wormA simple gem for interacting with ISBNDB.com