Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160521-160540 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171rouble-railsRouble symbol fonts
147,2171activewarehouse-etl-sgonyeaActiveWarehouse ETL is a pure Ruby Extract-Transform-Load application for loading data ...
147,2171react-autocomplete-railsRails wrapper for React Autocomplete JavaScript library (https://github.com/reactjs/rea...
147,2171ar_hand_dryerThis Gem helps to dry your hands right from the terminal
147,2171thomas_view_toolProvides generated HTML.
147,2171thor-levenshteinThor that suggest possible commands when you make a typo.
147,2171sayso-kaminariKaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated pag...
147,2171steamerwhen you want to dup a db for use in factories without the hassle of creating factories...
147,2171readmeEver thought perhaps that all the effect in creating a good README, while great for you...
147,2171cnnamecnname provides support to handle the names of Chinese
147,2171sayaesSayaes AES based format preserving encryption/decryption.
147,2171ar_memoizationMemoize ActiveRecord objects and search there.
147,2171rom-distilleryHelp organise emulation ROM using DAT file
147,2171datadogapiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171action_sentinel_groupGroup access authorization control, based on controllers actions access permissions usi...
147,2171rubydecodeqrRuby QR Code Decoder
147,2171tiny_progress_barA simple progress bar for time consuming applications. Call TinyProgressBar::print(max...
147,2171alphaThe Alpha bot
147,2171vj-player-sdkVideojuicer Player SDK runtime and compiler to create and build Player Addons.