Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161021-161040 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171ovh-rbOvhRb helps you to use the OVH SOAPI in a ruby way
147,2171depositRails plugin for saving additional data for model.
147,2171ec2-userdata-builderToolset for creating user-data for EC2 instances."
147,2171probablyEnables you to chain calls without explicitly checking nils or exceptions
147,2171wip_apiMakers unite through WIP.chat API to build more awesomeness!
147,2171warden_oauthwarden_oauth will help you create oauth authentication strategies using the oauth ...
147,2171easy_globalize_accessorsDefine methods for accessing translated attributes
147,2171carrier-servicesAllows you to interact with your carrier via ruby. Often handling the page scraping an ...
147,2171skozlov-netzke_basepackBase Netzke widgets - grid, form, tree, and more
147,2171question-simpleChoicecreador de examenes
147,2171telefonFormats a number into a US phone number (e.g: (555) 123-9876).
147,2171remindiceThe reminder chooses tasks randomly
147,2171rails_admin_yamap_fieldSimple implementation of Yandex maps in rails admin.
147,2171ed25519_keccakThis is a signature and verification library of ed 25519. But instead of SHA2_512, Kecc...
147,2171process_output_wrapperProcess wrapper which customizes output of the given command
147,2171wealthforge3-rubyThe WealthForge API acts as a connection between WealthForge's back-end transaction eng...
147,2171orgrepgit clone and git grep on the latest repository
147,2171apiotics-aws-iot-clientThe gem is using the MQTT protocol to execute the command defined by the AWS IoT platfo...