Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161081-161100 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380gnarailsEasily create a gnarly rails app.
69,2380hc-httpclientA gem packaging of the {HttpComponents}[http://hc.apache.org/] (formerly Jakarta Common...
69,2380spring_standaloneForked from 'spring' gem, it preloads your application so commands run faster
69,2380ropen3Wrapper around Open3.popen3 with rbenv support
69,2380stouset-pathname3Faster replacement for pathname and pathname2
69,2380topSeventyA simple but hopefully effective educational gem
69,2380outwood_labelsSticker generator
69,2380stympy-mongo-generatorsMongoDB-related generator scripts for Rails.
69,2380voteable_kelvinKeep track of any model with votes. Create a vote_count column, and include Voteable.
69,2380ebs_paymentThis gem helps to integrate your Rails app with EBS SDK
69,2380omniauth-rivo-oauth2Rivo OAuth 2 strategy for OmniAuth
69,2380pgdiffCompares two PostgreSQL databases and generates the SQL statements needed to make their...
69,2380kitchen-azure_vmA Test Kitchen Driver for Azure Virtual Machine
69,2380skyblue-railsThis gem provides SkyBlue CSS Framework assets for rails 4+.
69,2380little_smsLittleSMS.ru API binding
69,2380sluggable_jhegA gem for better slugging
69,2380prpr-mention_commentWhen some comment containing mention is posted, the comment request is post to chat ser...
69,2380ish_libmodels, specs of models, and assets for microsites_cluster
69,2380office365Office365 API client for Ruby apps
69,2380enki-engineAn adaptation of the Enki blogging application as a Rails::Engine, for mounting in a ho...