Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161661-161680 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700fb-supportFb::Support provides common functionality to Fb, Fb::Auth. It is considered suitabl...
38,9700bunCLI tool to install and remove gems from Gemfile with ease.
38,9700vagrant-sshAn easy way to execute SSH commands on your Vagrant image.
38,9700quickgraphQuickGraph provides generic directed/undirected graph datastructures and algorithms for...
38,9700http_requestshttp_requests is a lib that provides an easy way to create an HTTP/HTTPS connection and...
38,9700bloomedCheck your users' passwords using a fraction of the memory of the full pwned passwords ...
38,9700secrets_loaderAWS Secret Manager Loader on Rails
38,9700php_vmphp_vm is a native bridge between Ruby and PHP.
38,9700validityThe beginning of a validation library
38,9700lsrs-color_paletteDescribes the color palette of a given image.
38,9700lstoll-bumbleWrapper for google app engine's data store
38,9700lucasdecastro-immutableDeclare methods as immutable.
38,9700nyaaBrowse and download from NyaaTorrents from the command-line. Supports categories and fi...
38,9700yandex_speller_apiA simple gem that allows to use the yandex speller api service
38,9700lucsky-ffi-zlibffi-zlib provides a very thin wrapper around zlib using the ruby ffi library.
38,9700sass-pantonesA full range of Pantone values made into easy-to-use SASS variables.
38,9700thumblemonks-delayed_jobDelated_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
38,9700cardiacThis gem provides a thin facade around REST-ful resources, aiming to be closer to Activ...
38,9700spreefinery_coreSpree + Refinerycms integration
38,9700certificate-depotCertificate depot is a mini Certification Authority for TLS client certificates.