Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161581-161600 of all 180,616 gems.
75,2300nectoReserved package
75,2300i18n_utilsI18n utilities for Ruby on Rails.
75,2300ruby_phpipamRuby wrapper for the phpipam API
75,2300selfiesA collection of macros for quicker development.
75,2300orbacleLanguage server using engine allowing for smart jump-to-definitions, understanding meta...
75,2300text_wrapperText wrapper created with RSpec using TDD as the best method of approach.
75,2300loghumanLogHuman.com is a service for reading human-readable logs. Visit https://loghuman.com t...
75,2300uiza_dieu_testSee https://docs.uiza.io for details
75,2300sketch-in-rubySketches used in the creation of mechanical designs
75,2300qor_cacheQor Cache
75,2300papnothing to explain
75,2300totem_activerecordAdd an easy to use ORM to your Totem based applications.
75,2300ruby-em_algorithmEMAlgorithm for Ruby
75,2300omniauth-readabilityreadability omniauth strategy
75,2300refineStart using refine, today. Be ready for Ruby 2.0!
75,2300gitloggedSimple CLI git summary tools that groups commit by author and date
75,2300marky_markdownMarkyMarkdown add the ability to set variables in Markdown for interpolation
75,2300fluent-plugin-datadog-npDatadog output plugin for Fluent event collector
75,2300postal_transfers_plSend mass postal orders using a csv via Polish Post Office API, create and check for ma...