Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161781-161800 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380shiasanitizing gem
69,2380rack-scaffold-aimAutomatically generate RESTful CRUD services
69,2380netzke-basepack-zhA set of full-featured extendible Netzke components (such as FormPanel, GridPanel, Wind...
69,2380sprout-flexunit4cilistener-libraryActionScript 3.0 / Flex framework for unit testing
69,2380tvshow_renamerUtility to rename TV Show files to a correct format
69,2380fork_mobuRails User Agent Dependent View Paths
69,2380rpagelessjquery pageless
69,2380libconsoleConsole inspired from JavaScript, Github Actions, Linux...
69,2380semver_checkFun project to compare two SemVer strings with a bit of regex magic.
69,2380romanbsd-pcapRuby interface to LBL Packet Capture library. This library also includes classes to acc...
69,2380kitchen-docker_advA Test Kitchen Driver for Docker
69,2380funky-cliDaFunk is a Embedded System Framework optimized for programmer happiness and sustainabl...
69,2380in-time-rubyRuby client for InTime API
69,2380rose_genRandomly generate single-line ASCII roses.
69,2380wotdSimple CLI to view a word of the day
69,2380rubyist-fakewebA tool for faking responses to HTTP requests
69,2380linguistics_latinConstants and grammatical definitions for the Latin language
69,2380hldrHldr is a utility to compile all linked assets from an html document into a single file...
69,2380uomiManage invoices.
69,2380piko_mongo_storeAbstraction layer for storage