Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162061-162080 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772llrbLLRB is LLVM-based JIT compiler for Ruby. Note that this gem can be only installed to f...
136,3772maser-hoptoad-notifier-clientSimple class that sends data to Hoptoad using HTTParty
136,3772one_signal-capn_protoThis gem wraps the official C++ implementation of Cap'n Proto (libcapnp). From the Cap'...
136,3772rails_daemonsDaemons for Rails. Can be restarted on the host by Thor or remotely by Capistrano, moni...
136,3772samurai_coreCore features of SamuraiCRM.
136,3772json_tagged_loggingWrite and tag your logs formatted as JSON
136,3772socksify-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
136,3772spawn-for-legacyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
136,3772samurai_tasksSamuraiCRM task feature module.
136,3772reeferReefer is a tiny Ruby interface to a hosted Etherpad.
136,3772logstash-codec-joinlinesThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
136,3772elasticsearch-persistence-queryablePersistence layer for Ruby models and Elasticsearch.
136,3772typekitableA CLI for interacting with your Typekit kits. No need to form your own requests!
136,3772cangaroo_endpoint_baseHelpers for developing a Cangaroo (Wombat replacement) endpoint
136,3772restwoodsRESTWoods is a tool for generating RESTful web API documentation by analyzing block com...
136,3772Owasp-Site-ThemeA theme for OWASP sites
136,3772voteable_bradyLearning about making gems
136,3772ldap_queryEasily generate LDAP connections and queries without having to learn how to build an LD...
136,3772mattetti-hoptoad_notifierRails plugin that reports exceptions to Hoptoad.
136,3772local_ip_checkerSimple gem to check if provided URL is mapped to local IP address