Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162141-162160 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920fixieA standalone library for managing test fixture data
95,5920taiwan_districtsSelect builder for district of Taiwan cities.
95,5920dinnerUse dinner to automatically include html files!
95,5920eudict-translateThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
95,5920google-cloud-eventarc-publishing-v1Eventarc lets you asynchronously deliver events from Google services, SaaS, and your ow...
95,5920jaz303-deckardReplicate the structure of your development environment (i.e. checked out repositories)...
95,5920breeze_iconsA subset of the KDE Plasma Breeze icon set packaged as a gem
95,5920cssParse, create and work with CSS files.
95,5920sms_gateAn interface to SMS Gateways. Currently supports only sms.sluzba.cz.
95,5920rwdtorrentrwdtorrent is a GUI front end for rubyTorrent with rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs feature...
95,5920japanese_char_realThis is to eliminate thenly some garbledccur by using the ujis database with UTF-8 appl...
95,5920iqvociQvoc - a SKOS(-XL) vocabulary management system built on the Semantic Web
95,5920rescodegenConverts localised string files into Objective-C and Swift code.
95,5920rspec-crispyRSpec plugin for Crispy you can use with rspec-mocks. Privides matchers such as have_re...
95,5920eastwoodStart your client side out right
95,5920selectaA fuzzy text selector for files and anything else you need to select.
95,5920random_us_cityGenerates a valid RANDOM US city, state, zipcode and coordinate pair.
95,5920splogParse any log file with yml defined regex rules
95,5920numberstodayWrapper to numbers.today in Ruby