Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162941-162960 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380triggerA simple library for declaring and handling before and after events on method calls.
69,2380newrelic_samba_agentThis is the New Relic plugin for monitoring Samba developed by KangaCoders Ltd.
69,2380panmind-exception_notificationException notification by email for Rails apps - 2.3-stable compatible version
69,2380migratificationGenerates a directory structure and assets to allow for using Active Record migrations ...
69,2380vagrant-iijgpVagrant plugin for IIJ GIO Hosting Package service
69,2380namecheap-rubyRuby wrapper for the Namecheap API
69,2380opal-sidHermit jsSID wrapper for opal
69,2380spec_producerThis gem reads through the files of the rails app and produces as many specs as possible.
69,2380stashify-google-cloud-storageInteract with Google Cloud Storage using the common building blocks provided by Stashify
69,2380odoTurns a static site into a web application.
69,2380ruby_botsBots can use different tools to solve any number of tasks. Bots can be powered by OpenAI.
69,2380redis2-namespacedA Ruby client that tries to match Redis2' API one-to-one, while still providing an ...
69,2380ops-apiPublic placeholder for internal Swiftype gem
69,2380rufus-runnerWrapper process around rufus-scheduler
69,2380drizzy_dreDance like no tomorrow!
69,2380dumb_down_viewerDumbDownViewer (ddv) is a recursive directory listing command with limited functionalit...
69,2380multitaggerTag images using multiple computer vision API providers
69,2380persistent_exconAdds configurable connection pools per host for persistent http connections
69,2380sociareshare anything via famous social network, WIP
69,2380panda_queryA small library for building generic query objects.