Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
163021-163040 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171pragma_studio_gameStudio Game is a simple text-based, fully random game. To install the gem, run `gem in...
147,2171reduce_to_hashReduce an array to a hash that indexes the array
147,2171randynameGenerate memorable random names to use in your apps or anywhere else.
147,2171ec2csshCluster SSH connect to pattern mached hosts (Connected by cssh) (Hosts in ssh config wr...
147,2171translatable-railsAdd translatable capabilities to rails models through json based database fields.
147,2171amcss-railsDefine a series of helpers to make it easy to use AMCSS in Rails project
147,2171timeruTimeru : the simple timer for terminal A utility for counting down inside ...
147,2171cribbage_gameTwo player cribbage card game
147,2171does_it_really_work354nothing really
147,2171true_queueQueue is a proxy to several queueing libraries: a homegrown queue on top of Redis, an i...
147,2171ccheckA small implementation of the Luhn algorithm.
147,2171cc_licenseableLicense your ActiveRecord models under Creative Commons licenses
147,2171pgn_parserA pure ruby parser for chess pgn files. Read pgn files an allow for a format easily rea...
147,2171anzebra_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
147,2171webnovel_clickbotA CLI clickbot for WebNovel to bump views.
147,2171shreyas_palindromeCould be used for wide range of applications: words, phrases, sentences
147,2171order_upBackend agnostic queuing implementation
147,2171qilinA lightweight framework for background processing across many child processes, inspired...
147,2171poeticsPoetics implements CoffeeScript (http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/) directly o...