Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164601-164620 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850torosaurusWrite a longer description or delete this line.
157,4850view_toolSimple gem that shows copyrights information on the view layer
157,4850views_in_migrationsViewsInMigrations provides helper methods for using MySQL views behind ActiveRecord mod...
157,4850testoscopeThis is simple and nice tool to inspect how application operates with current DB struct...
157,4850vulcanizeForms consist of one or more attributes that are defined with a name, type and optional...
157,4850SprichwoerterGenerates random, senseless proverbs by combining beginnings and endings of existing pr...
157,4850thespianRuby implementation of actor pattern for use with threads and/or fibers
157,4850usearchtreeUninformed search trees!
157,4850test-driveA simple command-line tool for running a Jenkins test job before pushing code to the re...
157,4850unvee7_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrom detector
157,4850vigilem-assemblyProvides facitlities to Assemble together the Vigilem gems
157,4850yannitorI'll clean your data
157,4850viking-theme-1Viking Theme 2017-11-14
157,4850wedding_on_railsA gem for to RSVP to my wedding
157,4850terraspace_ci_circleciTerraspace CI CircleCI support
157,4850viewcumberCucumber formatter for easily viewing each step of your scenarios
157,4850trustygemsStandaridizing gem deploy commands, regardless of destination.
157,4850sunxi_gpioNative Ruby Extension to work with Sunxi GPIO
157,4850vimwiki_markdownConverts a vimwiki markdown file to html. It parses [[links]] and has support for synt...
157,4850virtuaservicesThis application is the generic base to handle elements like servers, users, and sessions.