Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164641-164660 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910experimental-moneyMoney arithmetic with BigDecimal
151,8910chef-cookerchef-cooker will be able to create cookbook of Chef easily. yay ;)
151,8910data_bindingsBind data to and from things.
151,8910dashing-dbThis makes it viable to deploy dashing with passenger.
151,8910darmani_game64A Darmani game
151,8910check_appointmentsGem that interfaces with the CheckAppointments API
151,8910darmani_game74A Darmani game
151,8910chef-handler-timereportChef report handler to generate reports about spent time on a Chef run, it's generating...
151,8910capistrano-middlemanMiddleman deploy strategy for capistrano
151,8910darmani_game88A Darmani game
151,8910darmani_game89A Darmani game
151,8910fitzwilliam_charles_georgepublish testing package - do not use
151,8910compose-hookSimple webhook application to update a service using docker compose
151,8910atkhayar-spree-dev-apiSpree's API
151,8910digestifDigestif lets you create fast checksums of large files by skipping sections of...
151,8910cs210-gcal4rubyGCal4Ruby is a Ruby Gem that can be used to interact with the current version of the Go...
151,8910dioramaThis Gem allows Rails applications to store it's view templates in it's database.
151,8910co2_travel_calcSimple estimate for CO2 emissions from cars and plane
151,8910dircrawlRun block on all files in dir