Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164681-164700 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840thrift_client-mavericksA Thrift client wrapper that encapsulates some common failover behavior.
143,3840lita-hhhehehedisplay a laughing lizard
143,3840lernaTame multi-head displays
143,3840lazy_images-railslazy-images-rails is a rails plugin that augments the standard image_tag helper to prov...
143,3840trix_add_onthis gem adds extra functions for basecamps's trix.js toolbar to the assets-pipeline
143,3840linguist_rubyClient library and command-line tool to translate Rails apps with Linguist.
143,3840mediatype_directoryCreates directory of hard or soft links for all files with specified mediatype (.pdf, ....
143,3840nwodkramConvert html into markdown
143,3840multi_cacheFramework to help you easily manage caches under multiple keys
143,3840nt-fingerprintnt-fingerprint convert queries into fingerprints.
143,3840weighted_randProvides a method to select a element by weighted randomization from a hash with weights.
143,3840makemespiffyConvert a flat BOSH manifest for something into a set of Spiff templates.
143,3840voluntary-ember_jsEmber.js support for #crowdsourcing management system voluntary: bit.ly/vej-0-1-0
143,3840metapageExtract metadata about a given HTML url from open graph and regular meta tags
143,3840module-mixinsHelp with inspecting mixed-in Ruby modules.
143,3840maybeeA simple, yet flexible approach to model-based authorization
143,3840translatable_descriptionsAdds multilingual text attributes to Rails models using a separate table.
143,3840uu_counterUUCounter is the plugin to trace unique user pageviews with easy integration. It is ins...
143,3840mdstyle_linkergenerate markdown style link (e.g. [title](url)) from URL