Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164861-164880 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300karolinskaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
85,4300row_boatTurn the rows of your CSV into rows in your database
85,4300omniauth-tanitaOmniAuth strategy for Tanita Health Planet
85,4300fulcrumFulcrum API
85,4300dynamic_scaffoldIt is customizable and flexible scaffold who support sort and the pagination.
85,4300raynetraynet.cz application REST API gem
85,4300fluent-plugin-mongo-slow-queryFluent input plugin for MongoDB to collect slow operation log
85,4300smart_s3_syncIntelligent syncing from Cloud providers when duplicate content abounds.
85,4300jasmine-blanketMake it easy to work with Blanket.js and Jasmine 2.0
85,4300letteropendLetteropend is a gem that exposes films and lists stored on letterboxd.com
85,4300geodistanceHelper methods for calculating geolocation distance based on longitude and latitude. It...
85,4300hybridgroup-wheneverProvides clean ruby syntax for defining messy cron jobs and running them Whenever.
85,4300model_fields_i18nTranslates model fields stored in the same model
85,4300monitRetrieve server information from Monit.
85,4300hola_shanmukA simple hello world gem
85,4300jacsSimple, distributed client-server communication using Jabber/XMPP.
85,4300squallA Ruby library for working with the OnApp REST API
85,4300fluent-plugin-redis-publishfluent output plugin publishing logs to redis pub/sub
85,4300geilidocA living document support for rails project