Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164921-164940 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700oui-offlineOrganizationally Unique Idenitfiers (OUI) offline database
38,9700pentominoFind answer of pentomino puzzle on the board(3x20, 4x15, 5x12, 6x10, 7x9-3, 8x8-4).
38,9700vmescherkin_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
38,9700pig_latin_translatePig Latin is a made-up children's language that's intended to be confusing. It obeys a ...
38,9700mqtt_pipeThis gem wraps the MQTT gem by njh (on Github) and adds a serializer for simple data st...
38,9700packager-dslDSL for creating a package that is easy to work with.
38,9700railslogProvides a convenient API for accessing Rails CHANGELOG files.
38,9700my_string_extend_pradeepThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
38,9700flasherA little Rails helper for translating flash messages
38,9700socialcast-opengraphA very simple Ruby library for parsing Open Graph prototocol information from websites....
38,9700paranoid_dummyparanoid_dummy replaces belongs_to associations that return nil objects with predefined...
38,9700luchadora luchador can be whatever yoy want it to be
38,9700nba_leaderCLI gem for learn.co project
38,9700jekyll-gitlab-letsencryptAutomate letsencrypt renewals for gitlab pages.
38,9700hipe-githelpercommand-line convenience methods for git
38,9700twiteratorA simple twitter gem that allows you to explore the popular social networking site from...
38,9700guardfileBetter Guardfile syntax
38,9700manualAutomatic controller documentation using rspec
38,9700mameapnsmame apns
38,9700heroku_resque_autoscalerUses Resque Job Hooks and the Heroku API gem to autoscale Heroku Resque workers