Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164901-164920 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630jvRails JSON View Handler
85,8630stefanrottierstemperatureconverterA simple temperature converter
85,8630redirect_follow_getredirect_follow_get is simple http get method following redirect.
85,8630feeSuggestDetermines the fee to charge paste on consultant level
85,8630lopez_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
85,8630sixarm_ruby_rexmlREXML extensions for XML documents, elements, and attributes
85,8630tapyrus-rpcThis gem is a JSON RPC client for Ruby that connect to Tapyrus Core.
85,8630knife-tagbulkBulk create and delete node tags on Chef nodes selected by standard Chef search queries
85,8630foogemWrite a gem description
85,8630pgq_webWeb interface for pgq gem. Inspect pgq and londiste queues
85,8630edifice-widgetsEdifice-widgets is a companion gem to edifice which allows simple unobtrusive javascrip...
85,8630remoteok-rubyAn easy way to parse jobs on remoteok.io
85,8630shell_mockWebMock for shell commands
85,8630lnd-clientRuby Lightning Network Daemon (lnd) Client
85,8630snow_syncSnowSync syncronizes configured fields (scripts) for a ServiceNow instance locally, the...
85,8630tooke_utilsIn this version, this toolkit allows the generation, validation and formating of CPF's ...
85,8630sticky_elephantLog logins and queries for an emulated PostgresQL server
85,8630srpRuby wrapper around a C interface to the OpenSSL implementation of the Secure Remote Pa...
85,8630trail_markerExecutable tools pakcaged as a ruby gem that will parse RSPEC results files in XML and ...