Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165021-165040 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700octocore-cassandraOctocore is the core framework of Octomatic Enterprise. It contains all the core models...
38,9700jrsplendaSweetens up Moch under JRuby to simplify the testing of Java code from JRuby
38,9700ktlktl is a tool that attempts to make it easier to manage Kafka clu...
38,9700knife-infoDisplays which .chef config dir knife will be using
38,9700arturop-chronic_durationA simple Ruby natural language parser for elapsed time. (For example, 4 hours and 30 mi...
38,9700locale_flashlocale_flash lets you create flash messages easily with I18n fallbacks
38,9700hornetseye-opencvThis Ruby extension provides conversions from Hornetseye::MultiArray to OpenCV::CvMat a...
38,9700rack-environmentRack middleware to set ENVironment variables around your app.
38,9700oauth_consumerOAuth 1 & 2 and token management in Rails 3+
38,9700NuDetectThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,9700trellohubTrellohub is uniform task management by synchronizing the github issues and trello cards.
38,9700middleman-asset-http-prefixMiddleman extension for putting assets at a different http prefix
38,9700relevance-godGod is an easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.
38,9700glosbe-translateWrapper around the JSON api on the Glosbe online multilingual dictionary. Return defini...
38,9700ovh-jekyll-doc-themeA theme for jekyll to generate documentations Edit
38,9700smiley_ratingRate according to your mood.
38,9700parallaxEnhances Ruby inter-process communication, to boost your parallel code execution.
38,9700relevance-log_buddyLog statements along with their name easily. Mixin a logger everywhere when you need it.
38,9700remi-css3-nowThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.