Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164981-165000 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700janie-htmltowordConvert html to word docx document.
38,9700url_compareAttempts to identify URLs that are identical or similar by using some rules to normaliz...
38,9700radix_encodingBinary to text encoding of data is commonly used for transmission when the channel does...
38,9700fogliAn efficient, simple, and intuitive Facebook Open Graph library.
38,9700run_no_moRate limit execution of code.
38,9700knife-digital_oceanA plugin for chef's knife to manage instances of DigitalOcean servers
38,9700anthonygarcia-mailfactoryCreate MIME email messages with multiple body parts and attachments in Ruby
38,9700cleditor_railsjQuery CLEditor for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline
38,9700apocalypse-clientServer monitoring made easy
38,9700redinger-validation_reflectionAdds reflective access to validations
38,9700my_chartchart.js wrapper
38,9700address_titlecaseSmartly capitalize US & Canadian addresses
38,9700nysol-meachirefer : http://www.nysol.jp/
38,9700native-queryCool way how to speak with database server. It's ellegant DSL; the SQL query helper whi...
38,9700ios_toolchainCollection of rake tasks and scripts to ease iOS development.
38,9700set_stock_botA simple web scaping to check stock from www.set.or.th
38,9700js_generatorAuto generate JavaScript codes with the specific rule.
38,9700redvex-ar_cachePerforme ActiveRecord cache in File System for heavy and repetitive query.
38,9700ReinH-git-changelogA gem that provides the git-checkout git command