Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165041-165060 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700bsv_ruby_explorerRuby wrapper for the BSV blockchain query API service. Enables queries by address and t...
38,9700remi-optparse-simplea partial reimplementation of OptionParser
38,9700remi-rackboxMerb-like BlackBox testing for Rack apps, including Rails
38,9700db_seedTo Avoid running seeds file multiple times, So that records won't create multiple times.
38,9700executable_mockGenerate executable with predefined inputs/outputs
38,9700sms-gateway-hubMSGatewayHub is rails wrapper for smsgatewayhub.com
38,9700vaiA Vagrant provisioning plugin to output a usable Ansible inventory to use outside Vagrant.
38,9700voteable_kudzaiThis is the number one voting gem.
38,9700auth_user_by_aeThe implementation plan the user auth.
38,9700mina-rpushMina tasks for Rpush deployment.
38,9700solidus_asset_variant_optionsSpree makes it tedious to upload the same image acrossmultiple variants. This gem solve...
38,9700timelinegenTimelineGen generates JSON files for use as TimelineJS data.
38,9700ops_preflightPreflight and deploy applications
38,9700jsr166yA gem wrapping the jsr166y.jar file for Java 7's java.util.concurrent features
38,9700multiscriptCan compile multipl coffee and js file together, compress it ...
38,9700config_accessor== Synopsys Class-level configuration DSL == Installation gem install config_accesso...
38,9700reddit_apiA friendly inteface for the Reddit API
38,9700exclameterizeAlso de-exclameterize them
38,9700test-constructConstruct is a DSL for creating temporary files and directories during testing.
38,9700cpuLibrary to gather CPU information (load averages, usage, temperature) in Ruby on Linux