Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165261-165280 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171spf_parseSearch and retrieve SPF records for any number of hosts
147,2171random_variate_generatorRandom value generator of several distributions
147,2171blank_attributesBlankable attribtes for ActiveRecord model'
147,2171antaeus-sdkThe Ruby SDK for the Antaeus Guest Management SDK
147,2171weighted_randProvides a method to select a element by weighted randomization from a hash with weights.
147,2171cueballSockets, queues and unix. LOL MORE DETAILS
147,2171database-validationSimple way to add Active Record Validations to models and views through the limits esta...
147,2171romp-rpcROMP is the Ruby Object Message Proxy. It is sort of like drb (distributed Ruby) in tha...
147,2171padrino-angularjsThis gem to use AngularJS to a Padrino apps
147,2171tcocca-trulia4rSimple Ruby wrapper for the Trulia API built on HTTParty
147,2171typeformImplements the complete functionality of the Typeform Data API v0
147,2171pilsThe pils ("Programmieren in linguistischen Seminaren") gem contains a collection of mod...
147,2171persistent_paramsPersist your params in session so they are used the next time you call the same control...
147,2171translatable_descriptionsAdds multilingual text attributes to Rails models using a separate table.
147,2171proprocksProprocks adds some sugar to Ruby class initialization
147,2171activejob-statsPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
147,2171airbnb_loggerPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
147,2171tfrWrapper for Terraform
147,2171packwerk-hamlHAML support for packwerk
147,2171ctpRuby support for CTP