Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165301-165320 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840merb_gravatarMerb plugin that provides a helper method for GRAVATAR
143,3840omniauth-dingtalkWrapper the DingTalk Oauth2 API
143,3840murlocGem allows to chage locale through routes
143,3840measure_itsA wrapper to profiling a whole method body
143,3840wagon-erpifyAllows to use OpenERP via erpify in local LocomotiveCMS sites developped with wagon
143,3840what_you_sayNatural language detection with a focus on simplicity and performance. Currently wraps ...
143,3840lyle_gem_testThis is a test of gem
143,3840videawesomeAn awesome video helper for Ruby and Rails apps
143,3840welcome_application_recordA simple gem which convert to extend ApplicationRecord instead to directly extend Activ...
143,3840wherelink-matchersAdds link matchers to RSpec for use with Capybara.
143,3840nelumba-mongodbA persistence layer for nelumba.
143,3840lithium-activerecordLithium Active Record
143,3840lead_managementLead management that will help us to manage our team.
143,3840lendmarketGet the best rate from lenders
143,3840logstash-filter-railsroutesThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on \ top of the Logstash core pi...
143,3840ncri-seerSeer is a lightweight, semantically rich wrapper for the Google Visualization API. It a...
143,3840my_string_extend_pinakThe library opens up the String Class return Size Of the String.
143,3840mozartTools for making object composition easier