Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165661-165680 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380mislav-thorA gem that maps options to a class
69,2380mixtli-fredFederal Reserve API
69,2380soccer-quizFind out how much you know about soccer.
69,2380swagger_client_go_parkNo description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/sw...
69,2380exrtexchange rate library
69,2380magic_inquiriesThis gem that will help you to solving the N+1 problem in Rails.
69,2380hola_mundoA simple hello world gem
69,2380indolib_railsThis gem allows to convert different time zones to local server time zone
69,2380rbhex-coreRuby curses/ncurses widgets for easy application development on text terminals
69,2380shelobA giant spider that starts on a given page, finds all links on the page, ensure they re...
69,2380html_cs_run_parsethis allows for parsing and running of HTML Code Sniffer with Watir
69,2380tkn2tkn2 is a terminal based presentation tool based on fxn's tkn
69,2380omniauth-ekuaishouWrapper the Kuaishou Marketing Oauth2 API
69,2380fullstopA simple gem
69,2380wakeonlanWakeOnLAN is a WOL client and library written in pure Ruby.
69,2380logposUse binary search to seek a position in logs.
69,2380helloworldA gem that illustrates how to build a gem
69,2380rack-twilio-validatorRack Middleware for validating twilio request signatures
69,2380hornsbyFixtures replacement with scenarios
69,2380rpi_rgbChanges the colour of an RGB LED connected via GPIO to a Raspberry Pi