Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165581-165600 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840okaotext -> (^o^)
143,3840libosrmRuby bindings for OSRM’s C++ API, providing faster and more customizable interaction wi...
143,3840nymph-generatenymph-generate is to be used alongside the Nymph Game Engine for generating Chaiscript ...
143,3840xmpp4r-simple-19Jabber::Simple takes the strong foundation laid by xmpp4r and hides the relatively ...
143,3840module-pluggableThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
143,3840timer_refimoments can be "marked" and the intervals can be queried later
143,3840wechat-payA simple Wechat pay ruby gem in api V3.
143,3840tinycodetinycode is a bencode like encoding that supports more data-types and slightly smaller ...
143,3840udongoBlimp CMS.
143,3840light-service-extExtends light-service with opinionated functionality
143,3840mext_school_code_validator文科省学校コードのバリデーター https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/toukei/mext_01087.html
143,3840MatRubyMatRuby provides you ways of matrices calculations.
143,3840webpacker-svelteProvides Svelte integration for Webpacker
143,3840livescript-railsAdd LiveScript support to the Rails asset pipeline.
143,3840term-extractionProvides access to term extraction APIs such as Yahoo! Term Extraction API and Ze...
143,3840wyrmCompressed cross-rdbms data transfer
143,3840my_string_extend_smtThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
143,3840whateverA Ruby library that gives no f*ck.
143,3840truesight-rtd-themeJust another documentation theme compatible with GitHub Pages
143,3840mobius-clientMobius Ruby Client