Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166501-166520 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380split_offA method to split off a part a hash
69,2380typhoonExpose your local development servers with the help of a typhoon (via cloudflared tunnels)
69,2380readonceCreates readonce entries and provides a token URL.
69,2380roaring-rbRuby bindings for the Roaring Bitmap library
69,2380validatemailEmail validator that hits freemium providers one by one and returns normalized resp...
69,2380remove_file_suffixThis simple module allows you to remove file suffixes from a given input. Example ...
69,2380middlemarchThis gem simply prints "Hello, Middlemarch!"
69,2380supportifyrails engine to add a very basic cms to an app
69,2380literate-programmingLiterate Programming for Ruby / Markdown.
69,2380gem_pre_unversioned_installAllows custom actions in delivery pipelines for RubyGem installations that have no vers...
69,2380pwim-emoticonEmoticon is a Ruby library for transcoding emoticons across different carriers for Japa...
69,2380eye-of-newtParses natural ingredients (e.g. "1 1/2 pounds of potatoes, peeled") into usable parts.
69,2380shiftzillaShiftzilla is a tool for providing historical reports based on Bugzilla data
69,2380liugangganga new hash reerse
69,2380rdmm2A ruby client for DMM Web Service API 2.0
69,2380ruboty-twadaChat room is savannah, there is a TDD lion.
69,2380ez_httpA wrapper for ruby net/http, supports http/https, RESTful methods, headers, certificate...
69,2380mos-eisley-lambdaRuby based Slack bot framework, for AWS Lambda; event queue based. Also provides Block ...
69,2380narray-fromfileExtracts data from a double precision floating point binary file. 倍精度浮動小数点バイナリファイルからデータ...