Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169221-169240 of all 180,454 gems.
168,3701cheese_boarda gem for cheese lover to learn more about the cheeses they love
168,3701brad-totothe tiniest blog-engine in Oz.
168,3701dnsaurDnsaur is a simple DNS checker / email corrector for ruby. This gem does three thing...
168,3701daumRuby Gem for Daum OpenAPI
168,3701capyspyMock js objects with capybara
168,3701App_View_Tool"this test is for my thing im doing with thing"
168,3701darmani_game61A Darmani game
168,3701extremal_opt_tspextremal optimization to solve travelling salesman
168,3701fluent-plugin-dogstatsd-solutoFluent plugin for Dogstatsd, that is statsd server for Datadog.
168,3701dsl_testEsta DSL ayuda a definir un test con sus devidas preguntas
168,3701decaptcher-recaptchaDecaptcher | reCAPTCHA API module
168,3701cafe-jiraJIRA Integration for CAFE
168,3701akane-bigqueryGoogle Bigquery storage adapter for akane.gem
168,3701bluebox-boxcuttercli for boxpanel.
168,3701bipartite_graph_setsJob assignment problem with the help of bipartite graph
168,3701herman_linothing to do with herxxn li
168,3701cachesrbCaches.rb -- simple Ruby method caching
168,3701glimmer-cp-cubeCube - Glimmer DSL for SWT Custom Shape
168,3701canCan stores encrypted goods using symmetric cryptography (AES-256-CBC)