Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169261-169280 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380mvra Ruby script that allows you to rename a group of files via regular expression
89,5380myGrid-taverna-t2flowThis a gem developed by myGrid for the purpose of interacting with Taverna 2 workflows....
89,5380edgar_palindromeLearn enough Ruby to implement palindrome detector
89,5380dried_interactionJust a simple, ready to use interactor implementation with built in validation of input...
89,5380scenic_oracle_pkProvides a migration helper to build primary keys on Oracle views.
89,5380mynyml-rack-supported-media-typesRack middleware to specify an app's supported media types. Returns '406 Not Acceptable'...
89,5380mynyml-swapOrganically replace/restore, stub/unstub methods.
89,5380testing-celluloidAdds new_raw_object method to create objects without proxy
89,5380pineCSS grid that smells of pine. In SCSS, for Compass.
89,5380edisonA static (website) generator.
89,5380rl_hiya_king_brianThe library is an example exercise from the rubylearning.org class.
89,5380hola_kiubmenThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
89,5380request_validatorA Gem to validate requests before hitting your models, why do you need to hit active re...
89,5380rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-groonga-201412第121回東京エリアDebian勉強会で、それぞれのディストリビューションへと パッケージを入れたときの経験をもとに、ディストリビューションの違いも踏まえて 話したときの資料です。
89,5380radix-sortPerfomre radix-sort on numeric array.
89,5380talentiqTalentIQ API client library in Ruby
89,5380goalseekRuby implementation of Microsoft Excel's GoalSeek macro. Uses...
89,5380sidekiq-sqsSQS backed job store for Sidekiq. Redis is still used for stats/job worker tracking
89,5380inspec-vaultThis plugin allows InSpec 'inputs' to be provided by a HashiCorp Vault installation. T...
89,5380mynyml-watchrModern continious testing (flexible alternative to autotest).