Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169361-169380 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380mettricMittwoch ist Metttag
89,5380mazel_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
89,5380enqueue_exportgem for enqueue job
89,5380kenmaAST Macro in Ruby
89,5380google_hangoutLaunches a fullscreen Google Hangout in Firefox
89,5380shotgun_rubyA ruby gem adaptation of the shotgun screenshot tool for linux. Creates a .pam screensh...
89,5380dominanceOne test that dominates them all
89,5380nakajima-nest-unitThe lightest way to add contexts to Test::Unit
89,5380dhtRuby DHT hash
89,5380reductorCollection of common map_reduce operations, implemented with mongoid.
89,5380megam_deccanplatoRuby Client for the Megam Deccanplato. Performs REST based HTTP call to http://github.c...
89,5380nakajima-optimus-primeEasy command line options.
89,5380nakajima-protocovThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
89,5380nakajima-proxenEasy method_missing proxies
89,5380nakajima-rack-flashFlash hash implementation for Rack apps.
89,5380nakajima-screw-driverRun your Screw.Unit specs from the command line.
89,5380doubleVisionAllows you to create magic PNG images that display differently in the browser than in t...
89,5380globalize3-validationsadds a uniqueness validator for globalize3 translated models
89,5380mang_keeperHelps to maintain MaNGOS server.
89,5380mswordWork with MS Word doc files with ruby