Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169421-169440 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840youtube_syncDownload your youtube videos from a text file list
143,3840testifyTestify is a test framework framework. Think "Rack for testing."
143,3840ntimelinedescription of gem
143,3840linkifyLists all the available routes in your rails app, to add internal linking to admin pages
143,3840omniauth-mendeleyMendeley strategy for OmniAuth
143,3840ndc_treeNdcTree is a library outputs a list of NDC(Nippon Decimal Classification) as a tree-str...
143,3840loader_droidA gem to help loading cases into Case Manager
143,3840valvat_cacheValvat_cache caches in a json file results of the VIES validation keeping it a couple o...
143,3840mb-surroundRuby code for encoding, decoding, and processing positional audio. This code accom...
143,3840testrail_helperA tool to help get and parse testrail data
143,3840test_kickerA lightweight autotester based on Kicker and Testify
143,3840micro_helperHelper for microformats, possibility of nesting.
143,3840tengine_eventTengine Event API to access the queue
143,3840nokogiri_html_helpersFast HTML helpers using Nokogiri
143,3840warpcoreA set of components and classes for quickly building cloud applications and infrastruct...
143,3840totsuzen-no-shitotsuzen no shi generator
143,3840youtube_dlYoutube video downloader
143,3840omniauth-digitaloceanOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Digitalocean
143,3840vagrant-capistranoAllows you to call capistrano from vargrant
143,3840magic_moneyConvert money values from different currencies