Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
170141-170160 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051mynyml-watchrModern continious testing (flexible alternative to autotest).
103,2051goalseekRuby implementation of Microsoft Excel's GoalSeek macro. Uses...
103,2051rack-sprocketizeRack::Sprocketize is a piece of Rack Middleware which uses Sprockets to concatenate jav...
103,2051passphrase_entropyEstimate the entropy of a passphrase
103,2051sluggable_sueannea gem created as part of the ruby on rails homework from tealeaf academy
103,2051lucentA Test Execution Framework for Lucid
103,2051crontab-parsercrontab parser for ruby
103,2051robbyRobby is a Ruby-based Campfire bot, inspired by Hubot.
103,2051schulzeThe Schulze Method, for ruby
103,2051shomen-modelShomen defines a standard API documentaiton format for object-oriented software (Ruby p...
103,2051html_from_pdfSimple wrapper for pdf2htmlEX for converting pdf to html
103,2051SimpleSearchSimpleSearch is a simple vector space text search engine.
103,2051fundraising_crowd_fundThis gem allows you to raise funds for projects. Projects can either lose or gain funds...
103,2051cutest-reporterextend cutest to allow summary report and some tweacks
103,2051insights-loggers-rubyLoggers for Insights ruby projects
103,2051rich_email_validationvalidate if a string is right email format
103,2051cutestrapcutestrap for rails 3.x & 4.x with asset pipeline.
103,2051marmottawrapperConvenience tasks for working with Apache Marmotta from within a Ruby project.
103,2051jekyll-chatgptUse OpenAI API JSON as data files and display branching conversations on your website
103,2051kekA simple etcd client inspired by the redis gem.