Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
170101-170120 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250wp_scaffoldScaffold commands for Wordpress theme development.
68,6250epsillaEpsillaDB is a scalable, high-performance, and cost-effective vector database
68,6250lono-cfnWrapper cfn tool to quickly create CloudFormation stacks from lono templates and params...
68,6250eycloud-helper-commonCommon recipe for EY Cloud
68,6250qntfJSON-based Self Quantification Utility
68,6250harbordockCombine multiple Dockerfiles into one.
68,6250jiffyshirts_spree_reviewsBasic review and ratings facility for Spree
68,6250fmmFMM is a small finite state machine implementation based on Michael Martens' micromachi...
68,6250merb-menusMerb plugin that provides dot dot dot uh menus
68,6250shoulda_generatorGenerators which create tests using shoulda
68,6250twitter_bootstrap_helperHelper methods for Rails to aid in creating Twitter Bootstrap Components
68,6250romeoi am waiting to upload this
68,6250merb_strokedba plugin for Merb, that allows the use of StrokeDB as an ORM within a Merb application
68,6250mongoid-mapreduceMongoid MapReduce provides simple aggregation features for your Mongoid models
68,6250guard-coffeedripperGuard::CoffeeDripper automatically generates your coffescript from your parts of coffee
68,6250google-api_client-keychain_storeKeychainStore for Google API Client.
68,6250polling_managerGem for polling document with progressive schedule
68,6250google_map_directionsA wrapper gem for the google directions API
68,6250herrHerr is an ORM that maps REST resources and collections to Ruby objects