Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
170061-170080 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920kiltA client that listens to Pivotal Tracker activities and notifies them with Growl.
95,5920ghost_readeri18n backend to ghost_writer service
95,5920deadlinezMakes it easy to handle After the Deadline AJAX proxying and their API.
95,5920hiera-vcenterProvides a vCenter lookup for VM custom values to Hiera
95,5920evernote_apiA simple and easy to use wrapper for Evernote's API.
95,5920imagemagick-identifyA wrapper around ImageMagick's identify command
95,5920bosh-infoGrabs information on BOSH releases
95,5920sailorGit based deployment tool.
95,5920capistrano_reciaRECIA Capistrano Support
95,5920kickrbRuby library for the Kick API. Coming soon.
95,5920reverse_asciidoctorMap simple html back into asciidoctor, e.g. if you want to import existing html data in...
95,5920katzil-capybaraA fork for capybara project
95,5920ffi-serialRuby Serial port library that uses Ruby standard library IO to open a connection to a s...
95,5920CarRegistrationCroatiaFind Car details from a number plate in Croatia. An Account is required from http://www...
95,5920huginn_github_notifications_agentHuginn agent to fetch Github notifications
95,5920reading_kanji_in_kanaThis gem returns 'Yomigana' (reading Japanese kanji in kana) using a gem 'natto'. You n...
95,5920edge-captchaRails mountable engine, that provides captcha support
95,5920chordprokoIt converts ChordPro File to a readable plain text chord sheet
95,5920junctureA State object that can be queried
95,5920creedCommand pattern for Rails