Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
171461-171480 of all 180,616 gems.
75,2300guess4rlibguess binding for ruby 1.9 or later.
75,2300herderThe herder that manages all animals talking to the hamster
75,2300rack-rakerRack Rake middleware/app.
75,2300rspec-matchers-controller_filtersThis gem defines custom matchers that can be used to test execution of filters before, ...
75,2300rabbit-slide-hasumikin-RubyKaigiTakeout2020Presentation slide for RubyKaigi Takeout 2020
75,2300say_it_with_graphssay-it-with-graphs let you actually write into a place where usually the computer tells...
75,2300rails_mocksProvides rspec-mocks syntax from an external source like cypress
75,2300gqliteGQLite is a C++-language library, with a C interface, that implements a small, fast, se...
75,2300time_itHelpers and extensions to improve working with Time.
75,2300fastlane-plugin-ensure_xcode_build_versionEnsure Xcode Build Version for working with Beta, GM and Release
75,2300falcorQuickly build example data
75,2300here_geocoderGeokit custom geocoder for Here.com service
75,2300jekyll-theme-pagesA Jekyll plugin, that allows you to use pages defined in a gem-based Jekyll theme.
75,2300js-routes-zigexnGenerates javascript file that defines all Rails named routes as javascript helpers
75,2300simpleweather-railsintegrates simpleWeather.js with Rails Asset Pipeline
75,2300ghaki-ext-fileCollection of extensions for the core File class
75,2300simple_shippingThis gem uses the APIs provided by UPS and FedEx to service various requests on beh...
75,2300famA very watered down language ment to look like an assembly language.
75,2300ll-mktorrentCreate .torrent files easily with this gem. The code is ugly, but it works :)
75,2300timezone_teleporterTimezoneTeleporter anonymizes users' GPS coordinates by generating random coordinates i...