Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
171521-171540 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430watson-tone-analyzerAnalyzes emotions, social tendencies and writing style of text
131,2430context_providerRuby version of the context pattern from React.
131,2430drhenryPost generator for Jekyll. See more info in GitHub.
131,2430chrediscaching and manage Kredis result
131,2430yaml_ref_resolverResolves referencing to other YAML files.
131,2430console-reversiYou can play the reversi in terminal
131,2430zenslapClient for zenslap continuous integration
131,2430databasedotcom-convenienceConvenience classes to make using the databasedotcom gem even easier
131,2430column_queriesfaster select_values implementation for ActiveRecord with PostgreSQL pg gem
131,2430endeca_on_demandEndecaOnDemand will take a query-string and construct an XML query and send it to an ho...
131,2430cake_lie_leyhCreates fake information.
131,2430unique_jobSet a uniqueness to Sidekiq jobs
131,2430codeforces-viewerA simple command-line viewer for Codeforces
131,2430act_with_booleansHandles booleans packed in an integer
131,2430epub_bookcreate epub from a book index url and mail to you. by setting a default_setting.yml you...
131,2430dyn-ruby-launchctlManaging dyn daemon.
131,2430voltrbVoltRb is a gem client for VoltDB. This early release uses the JSON interface and works...
131,2430destroy_soonDelayed destroy ActiveRecord model
131,2430custom-attributesEasy management of extra model attributes. Can store fields in the model if provided
131,2430dotyamlConfigure Dependency CI tests