Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180581-180600 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730yara-normalizeTo enable consistent comparisons between yara rules (signature), a uniform hashing stan...
73,9730nrnr --net received-- The other side of nc. Run the server with `nr` and client with `ec...
73,9730ebay_party["Ebayapi and httparty fused for get categories"]
73,9730spree_order_price_syncUpdates existing line items in unfinished orders when product prices change.
73,9730dbus-dumpIt takes an idea from dbus-scrape, which processes a strace output of dbus-monitor, and...
73,9730brentanoBrentano helps you present ActiveRecord collections to your controllers and avoid repet...
73,9730findrA ruby find and replace tool for mass editing of text files.
73,9730danthesPrivate pub/sub messaging in Rails through Faye. More Faye features supported. Based on...
73,9730vibedeck-youtube_itUpload, delete, update, comment on youtube videos all from one gem.
73,9730cruyffCruyff is a Ajax CRUD solution for Rails applications.
73,9730jquery-modal-railsThe simplest possible modal for jQuery for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline based on https...
73,9730presenter-patternEnables and enforces the presenter pattern in rails
73,9730bakery-corerendering of content, admin interface creation, host redirection
73,9730taguritWatches multiple types of VCS repositories for new tags.
73,9730tagify_stringAdds 'tagify' and 'tagify!' to the Ruby string class. This is pretty much 'parameteriz...
73,9730devape_calendarInsert DevapeCalendar description.
73,9730cuke_iterationsRun your Cucumber features multiple times within one Cucumber invocation
73,9730wformatwformat is a command line utility to organize collections of wallpapers For now, i...
73,9730aspgems-redhillonrails_coreAdds support in ActiveRecord for foreign_keys, complex indexes and other database-relat...
73,9730swf_embedParameter Injector for Flash Lite