Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
171721-171740 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171tooky-database_cleanerStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
147,2171did_token_generatorToken generator plugin
147,2171platelayerUsed as a base line all FireWorks projects
147,2171to_xmlAnyObject.to_xml - useful for adding XML support to APIs
147,2171rudachi-rbA Ruby wrapper for Sudachi.
147,2171pesepayA ruby library for Pesepay Payment Gateway API.
147,2171ddollar-octopiA Ruby interface to GitHub API v2
147,2171pedalogThis is a simple tool for reading data from Pedalog devices. It relies on the libpedalo...
147,2171car_queryA Ruby wrapper for the www.carqueryapi.com's JSON API
147,2171rubiskellRun haskell snippet from ruby
147,2171color_bannerColor Banner for pry
147,2171color_convertercolor_converter is a Ruby module that help you to convert RGB/hexadecimal color models
147,2171texvcThe wrapper utility for texvc command
147,2171rightscale_apiA Ruby Wrapper for the RightScale API
147,2171rev_memcacheRev memcache client
147,2171steipete_is_paranoidActiveRecord 2.3 compatible gem "allowing you to hide and restore records without actua...
147,2171render-flash-nowRender with flash inline
147,2171rails_redshift_replicatorReplicate your ActiveRecord tables to Redshift
147,2171danielharan-mongo_mapperAwesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo
147,2171serpapi-uule-converterA Ruby library for encoding and decoding UULE parameters in Google search URLs using co...